I don't know

You don’t know what you don’t know.

In the fitness industry, and probably in life, people are afraid to admit they don’t know something. It may appear as though it’s a lack of authority (in an environment where you’re supposed to be the authority), but in fairness, you can’t be expected to know everything.

If someone asks a question regarding a particular movement, or what muscle is recruited, or why their knee hurts when they perform a certain task, and we don’t know, we say exactly that.

The good news? We can find out for you. With a wide network in the industry as well as an ability to interpret data, the answer to your question isn’t too far away. The important aspect is however, that we didn’t stumble our way through a jargon-filled, complex (B-S) answer that didn’t actually answer the question. We admitted we’re not entirely sure about the answer, and we care enough to find out for you.

‘I don’t know’ is probably hard for a lot of people to say in a professional environment. Get better at saying it.

Go on….say it.




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