‘Belief is irresistible’

The title of this piece is a thought Phil Knight has when reflecting on his inability to sell mutual funds and encyclopedias, but has no issue selling shoes.

 He believes in the shoes. He believes they make running better. He believes running makes the world a better place. When you believe in something, it’s conveyed in your demeanour, your behaviour, and your words. The selling almost takes care of itself.

 Selling aside for a moment, take this approach and apply it to any aspect of your life. Trying to convince your friends or family to make healthier eating choices, trying to get them to exercise more often. When you truly believe in those things, and it radiates through you. They will only have to take a quick look at you, to know that those kind of behaviour changes can have a positive effect on them too.

 The same is true within the four walls here at Workshop Gym. We think the path to a healthier and happier individual is through calculated strength work, restorative mobility work, and the right balance of rest and ‘going hard’. It’s not constant HIIT workouts or long slow runs. It’s not grinding through a workout when you’re operating on 3 hours sleep and two espressos. It’s not ‘more is better’. It’s ‘better is better’. Move better, recover better, feel better.

And we truly believe that.


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Hip Mobility - What is it and where to find it