Balanced Strength
If you’re getting back into your gym journey, or starting a new one post-lockdown, here’s a pretty good ‘general’ rule to follow. For each exercise you do, do the opposite.
Love pushing exercises? Don’t forget those pulling exercises! Love to squat? Don’t forget to hinge and work on your posterior chain (a fancy way of saying the muscles on your backside).
Only care about bicep curls and working those beach muscles? Don’t forget to hit some tricep extensions too (hot tip: your triceps are a larger muscle group than your biceps….therefore if you get bigger triceps, they will help your arm in it’s entirety look bigger!!)
The takeaway is this – for joint health and integrity, you want balanced strength, providing stability and mobility. If you only work one muscle group, you’re likely to encounter problems down the line, usually presenting itself as pain.
Be strong, balanced and mobile, by training your body as a whole.
Push. Pull. Squat. Hinge. Carry.